An industry leader with unrivaled experience
HR Symphony’s parent company ALTRES is the leading human resources company in Hawaii since 1969, and has pioneered the outsourced HR industry locally and nationally. With HR Symphony, you’ll be getting 50 years of HR, payroll, benefits, and compliance best practices. What that means for you? Peace of mind.
HR Ecosystem®
Seamlessly integrated for the utmost efficiency
We recognized that business owners in Hawaii needed a more efficient way to manage their daily HR admin tasks, such as recruitment and hiring, payroll processing, time and attendance, benefits, as well as managing employee records. So in 2009 we developed HR Symphony and HR Ecosystem®. What makes HR Symphony special is that it seamlessly integrates all HR lifecycle functions into one harmonious ecosystem. No more duplication of work. Just efficiency and convenience for our clients. See how it helps The Maui Cookie Lady.

Local support and training

HR Symphony was developed for local companies by a local company. We understand what it’s like to do business in Hawaii because we’re a second generation kamaʻāina company. Our dedicated local support team goes beyond 8-to-5. We got you covered weekday nights, holidays and weekends. How’s that for local support?